Freemie Cup parts are made from food-safe medical grade plastic, and are made without latex, BPA or DEHP. They're durable but can also wear out through heavy use and/or wear and tear.


Feeling little to no suction with your Freemie Original System cups can be due to a number of reasons. The cups have some specific cleaning instructions, differing from the recommended care can cause damage to parts. Replacements are available on our website if needed.

Check first that you have correctly assembled your pump tubing. These cups work with a variety of compatible pumps, so there are a couple of tubing assemblies. See below Quick Start guide:

If the cups have been working for you for some time, and have recently started to not perform as well, it may be that you just need to replace the duckbill valves. This part needs to be replaced every 2-3 months for best performance. 

Check that the T-Connector part for the pump connection is not clogged with dried milk (rare but can happen).

Re-boil the hard parts to "tighten" them up. 

If parts are in good condition and have no damage or wear and tear, it may be that you now need a new size. Tissue changes happen and moms often need to go down in size, especially once lactation is well established. For this, our soft silicon Fitmie inserts are available on our website. For more info on flange sizes, click here.

Reach out to us at our Customer Support page and fill out a Contact Form so we can assist you.